Neuren Pharmaceuticals Annual Report 2023

13. SHARE CAPITAL (CONTINUED) Loan funded shares The Company has a Loan Funded Share Plan to support the achievement of the Company’s business strategy by linking executive reward to improvements in the financial performance of the Company and aligning the interests of executives with shareholders. Under the Loan Funded Share Plan, loan funded shares may be offered to employees or consultants (“Participants”). The Company issues new ordinary shares, which are placed in a trust to hold the shares on behalf of the Participant. The trustee issues a limited-recourse, interest-free loan to the participant, which is equal to the number of shares multiplied by the issue price. A limited-recourse loan means that the repayment amount will be the lesser of the outstanding loan and the market value of the shares that are subject to the loan. The trustee continues to hold the shares on behalf of the Participant until all vesting conditions have been satisfied and the Participant chooses to settle the loan, at which point ownership of the shares is transferred from the trust to the Participant. Any dividends paid by the Company while the shares are held by the trust are applied as repayment of the loan at the after-tax value of the dividend. On request by the participant, the Company may dispose of, or buy back, vested shares and utilise the proceeds to settle the outstanding loan. The directors may apply vesting conditions to be satisfied before the shares can be transferred to the Participant. Before the loan can be given, the New Zealand Companies Act requires the Company to disclose to shareholders the provision of financial assistance to the Participant. The maximum loan term is 5 years. All loan funded shares under the plan during the year ended 31 December 2023 are subject to the following vesting conditions: i. 40% of the Loan Funded Shares shall vest on acceptance by the US Food and Drug Administration of the filing of a New Drug Application for Trofinetide; and ii. 40% of the Loan Funded Shares shall vest when the Company determines to progress NNZ-2591 to a Phase 2b or Phase 3 clinical trial following a positive Phase 2 clinical trial outcome, or executes a partnering transaction for NNZ-2591; iii. 20% of the Loan Funded Shares shall vest when the Company executes a partnering transaction for trofinetide outside North America, or submits a Marketing Authorisation Application for trofinetide in the European Union, the United Kingdom, or Japan. Each of these vesting conditions shall be tested separately from the other vesting conditions. The first vesting condition (i) was met in September 2022 and the third vesting condition (iii) was met in July 2023. The estimated fair value of the shares has been determined using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The significant inputs into the model were the share price on date of valuation, the estimated future volatility of the share price, a dividend yield of 0%, an expected life of 5 years, and an annual risk-free interest rate of 0.4%. The estimated future volatility of the share price was derived by analysing the historic volatility of the share price during the relevant period. Movements in the number of Loan Funded Shares were as follows: 2023 Number ‘000 2023 $ WAEP1 2022 Number ‘000 2022 $ WAEP1 Balance at 1 January 3,000 1.84 3,000 1.84 Granted during the year – – – – Exercised during the year (600) 1.84 – – Balance at 31 December 2,400 1.84 3,000 1.84 Vested and exercisable at 31 December 1,200 1.84 1,200 1.84 1 WAEP – weighted average exercise price NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED Neuren Pharmaceuticals Limited Annual Report 2023 45