Neuren Pharmaceuticals Annual Report 2023

For other periodic corporate reports released to the market that are not audited or reviewed by an external auditor, processes are in place to ensure that the reports are materially accurate, balanced and provide investors with appropriate information to make informed investment decisions (Recommendation 4.3). Reports are prepared by the Chief Financial Officer and reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer, or are prepared by the Chief Executive Officer and reviewed by the Board. The Board receives a declaration in writing from the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer regarding those reports. PRINCIPLE 5. MAKE TIMELY AND BALANCED DISCLOSURE Neuren is required to comply with the continuous disclosure requirements as set out in the ASX Listing Rules, disclosing to the ASX any information that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of Neuren’s securities, unless certain exemptions from the obligation to disclose apply. In accordance with Recommendation 5.1, the Board has approved policies and procedures to ensure that it complies with its disclosure obligations and that disclosure is timely, factual, clear and objective. The Board has designated the company secretary as the person primarily responsible for implementing and monitoring those policies and procedures. A summary of the policies and procedures is available on the Neuren website. All information disclosed to the ASX is placed on the Neuren website after it has been published by the ASX, and the Board receives copies of all material market announcements promptly after they have been made (Recommendation 5.2). All investor or analyst presentations with new information are released on the ASX Market Announcements Platform ahead of such presentations, in accordance with Recommendation 5.3. PRINCIPLE 6. RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF SECURITY HOLDERS The Board strives to communicate effectively with shareholders, give them ready access to balanced and understandable information about the business and make it easy for them to participate in shareholder meetings. In accordance with Recommendation 6.1, comprehensive information about the Company and its governance is provided via the website This includes information about the Board and senior executives, as well as corporate governance policies. All announcements, presentations, financial information and meetings materials disclosed to the ASX are placed on the website, so that current and historical information can be accessed readily. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CONTINUED The Company’s investor relations program facilitates effective two-way communication with investors (Recommendation 6.2). The Chief Executive Officer interacts with institutional investors, private investors, analysts and media on an ad hoc basis, conducting meetings in person or by video/teleconference and responding personally to enquiries. The Board seeks practical and cost-effective ways to promote informed participation at shareholder meetings (Recommendation 6.3). This includes providing access to clear and comprehensive meeting materials and electronic proxy voting. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in 2023 was conducted as a hybrid meeting, with participation both in-person and by electronic means. All resolutions at the Company’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in 2023 were decided by a poll (Recommendation 6.4) In accordance with Recommendation 6.5, shareholders are provided with and encouraged to use electronic methods to communicate with the Company and with the share registry. PRINCIPLE 7. RECOGNISE AND MANAGE RISK The Board has established policies for the oversight and management of material business risks, a summary of which is available on the Neuren website. The Board does not have a separate committee to oversee risk, judging that the whole Board is better able to conduct that function efficiently and effectively, given the small size of the Board and the specialised nature of the business (Recommendation 7.1). In accordance with Recommendation 7.2, the Board reviews the Group’s risk management framework at least annually to satisfy itself that it continues to be sound. A review was conducted in 2023. The size and complexity of the Group’s business is not sufficient to warrant an internal audit function (Recommendation 7.3). The risk management policy is designed to involve the entire organisation in risk management and to ensure that the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control processes are continually improved. The Group does not have a material exposure to economic, environmental or social sustainability risks (Recommendation 7.4). PRINCIPLE 8. REMUNERATE FAIRLY AND RESPONSIBLY Neuren believes having highly skilled and motivated people will allow the organisation to best pursue its mission and achieve its goals for the benefit of shareholders and stakeholders more broadly. The ability to attract and retain the best people is critical to the Company’s future success. Neuren Pharmaceuticals Limited Annual Report 2023 28